Friday, June 12, 2009

My horse, Rose

Rose left me on June 4, 2009. We believe she colicked but was too far
out in the pasture for us to know she was in distress. Otherwise she
was a healthy 22 year old girl.
July 23, 1987 Rose came into this world around 11:30 at night. I was
there to assist with the birth. While a stubborn girl, she has been a
special loyal horse for me as was her mom, Dolly.
I miss her terribly and always will.
Having horses in my life is a chapter closed for me. The relationship
I had with Dolly and Rose can't be matched and I won't try.
RIP my sweet Rose. I love and miss you.

1 comment:

Ma Ingalls with ADHD said...

I am so sorry. I am in that same season, when our 31 yr old rescue leaves we will be over with the horse chapter in our life too.