Thursday, October 24, 2013

I got to visit with Peggy Bagby my sweet stepdaughter tonight and the grandkids. My sweet grandkids gave me presents for grandparents day that they made themselves. Now i can decorate my fridge better.
No pictures to share tonight. Maybe soon tho.

Sunday, March 10, 2013

This year, 2013 has been a good year so far. It has been another year of newness in my life. God has brought a special guy in my life. He makes me smile. We both enjoy similar activities such as flea markets, hiking, any most any other outdoor activity.
He has met all my dogs and has been approved of by them.
Chip has a sweet daughter whom i think highly of and enjoy her company. His parents are sweet too. The plan for now is to spend Easter Sunday with his entire family. I even went and got a new dress so i know i will look good for him.
Thank you Lord for your blessings.